1. Account Setup and Listing:
1.1. Sellers must create an account on Flick to list and sell products.
1.2. Accurate and detailed product listings are essential. Provide clear descriptions, images, prices, and other relevant details for each product.
1.3. Sellers are responsible for ensuring that the products they list comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
2. Product Quality and Authenticity:
2.1. Sellers must sell only genuine and authentic products. Counterfeit, replica, or fake items are strictly prohibited.
2.2. Products must meet industry quality standards. Sellers are responsible for ensuring the quality of their products and resolving customer complaints related to product quality.
3. Pricing and Fees:
3.1. Sellers are responsible for setting reasonable and competitive prices for their products.
3.2. Flick charges a commission fee for each successful sale. The fee structure will be outlined in your seller dashboard.
4. Order Fulfillment:
4.1. Sellers must fulfill orders promptly and provide accurate shipping and tracking information.
4.2. Late order fulfillment may result in penalties, including temporary or permanent suspension from the platform.
5. Shipping and Delivery:
5.1. Sellers are responsible for choosing appropriate shipping methods and providing accurate delivery estimates to customers.
5.2. It's recommended to offer reasonable shipping rates to ensure a positive customer experience.
Flick Commission and Shipping Policy
1. Commission Rates: Flick charges a standard commission of 6% on the sale price of products in each category. This commission applies to all sellers on the platform.
2. Fixed Shipping Rates: Flick offers fixed shipping rates based on the destination of the delivery. These rates are categorized as follows:
Policy: Deduction of Shipping Costs for Incorrect Weight and Rates
At [flick], we strive to maintain accurate and fair pricing for shipping to provide a seamless experience for our users. To ensure this, we have implemented a policy that allows us to deduct shipping costs from a seller's payment cycle when incorrect weight or shipping rates are applied.
6. Customer Service:
6.1. Sellers are expected to provide excellent customer service and respond to customer inquiries and concerns promptly.
6.2. Resolve customer issues, including returns, refunds, and exchanges, in a fair and timely manner.
7. Communication:
7.1. Sellers must maintain open and respectful communication with customers, fellow sellers, and Flick's support team.
7.2. Any communication that is offensive, misleading, or violates Flick's community guidelines will not be tolerated.
8. Prohibited Content and Activities:
8.1. Sellers must not list products that violate intellectual property rights, contain explicit or offensive content, or promote illegal activities.
8.2. Manipulative practices such as fake reviews, keyword stuffing, or misleading information are strictly prohibited.
9. Account Suspension and Termination:
9.1. Flick reserves the right to suspend or terminate a seller's account for violations of this policy or other breaches of terms and conditions.
9.2. Suspended or terminated accounts may result in loss of access to the platform and withheld funds.
10. Policy Updates:
10.1. Flick reserves the right to update this seller policy as needed. Sellers will be notified of any changes.
By continuing to use the Flick platform, you acknowledge and agree to adhere to this Seller Policy.
Ban Brands and Products
At [flick], we are committed to promoting a safe and inclusive environment for our users and aligning with global standards and legal regulations. To uphold these values, we have implemented a policy to ban the listing and sale of Israeli brands and products on our platform.
Rationale: The ban on Israeli brands and products is in response to various political, social, and ethical considerations. While we recognize the diversity of opinions on this matter, we have taken this stance to avoid potential conflicts, controversies, or legal implications. This policy helps us maintain a neutral and inclusive platform for all users.
Scope: This ban applies to all Israeli brands and products, including but not limited to consumer goods, electronics, fashion items, food products, and any other items associated with Israeli companies. Sellers are not permitted to list, promote, or sell such items on our platform.
Enforcement: To enforce this policy, our moderation team actively reviews listings and reports from users. If a listing is found to be in violation of this policy, it will be promptly removed from our platform. Sellers who repeatedly violate this policy may face account suspension or permanent removal.
Reporting: We encourage our users to report any listings that appear to be in violation of this policy. These reports help us maintain the integrity of our platform. Reports can be submitted through our reporting system.
Disclaimer: While we uphold this policy, we acknowledge that the determination of the origin of a product can be complex and subject to interpretation. Our decision to remove a listing is based on the information available at the time and our commitment to a harmonious and compliant platform.
Policy Updates: We reserve the right to update this policy as needed, and any changes will be communicated to our users in advance.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in adhering to this policy. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our support team.